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ANTH 392: Medicine, Science, Culture


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ANTH 392: Medicine, Science, Culture

Fall Semester 2023

Instructor: Dr. Risa Cromer

*Open to all students. H credit possible upon approval from instructor.*

This is an introductory course open to all majors that explores the intersections of medicine, science, and culture as powerful shapers of our lives and world. Anthropology is a holistic study of human experience that helps explain how our biology, beliefs, and social contexts inform what health, illness, and well-being mean in diverse contexts around the world. Students will gain skills for applying anthropological perspectives through exposure to a diverse array of course topics and development of a semester-long project.

This course meets requirements for the new Health concentration offered by the Anthropology department and is designed for students across the social sciences, sciences, humanities, pre-med/pre-nursing, allied health, public health, and beyond.